Black and white is the classical combination and will never go out of style. For black and White Wedding Cards, you can search tons of great do-it-yourself invitations kits on the internet. That will save you a lot of money, to the contrary, it will also take you more time and energy to prepare them. Keep in mind that you should choose the right font to fit with the style of your wedding invites. Besides, there are also online companies offer a wide range of black and white wedding cards along with matching thank you notes, RSVP response cards, and other stationary. The companies may send you samples for free. All you have to do is ask and ensure the quality of the paper.

Lime green or the color of very green grass and white can be another combination mentioned here. It is a fresh and clean start to have the combination on your wedding day. To most people, the color green stands for love, health, life and nature. It is truly a breath of fresh air. Lime green would be great for an indoor or an outdoor wedding reception. If you choose lime and white as your wedding colors. White and Green Wedding Invites have to be chosen. You can buy them on the internet or make them by yourself . To buy the invites on the internet, you just need to type in "white and green wedding invitations" and thousands of products will come into your eyes. One thing should be mentioned that the homemade white and green wedding cards can be more significant and save you tons of money. You can make your own wedding invites together with your spouse-to-be or your best friends. That will definitely be sweet and precious memories when years has gone.

For the main color is white, you are free to choose any color to combine with. You can set the tone for wedding with white save the date cards . This is a good way to give your guests a preview of what to expect on the day. As long as the Wedding Invites match your wedding theme.